Sunday, July 7, 2013

June 26 - July 1, 2013 - Deka Lake

      Well today was going to be our last day on the road but after a phone call from Todd it was decided that we would join him at his cabin on the lake.  Probably a pretty good way to end almost 2 months travelling.

     There are going to be a gang of us so Richard and I get to work over the next couple of days gathering firewood, making pies and generally planning meals.  We will be also joined here by Joey, Ron, Quentin, Shannon, Brian and Ben.  Should be good times.

     The weather was a little iffie on Wednesday and Thursday but by Friday it was heating up.  Saturday, Sunday and Monday were scorchers and gave us an opportunity to get in some water sports. 
This spruce tree must have been very stressed to produce this many cones

we got a lot of use out of our "Surrey tuxedos"

our new home for the next 5 nights

the wood cutters

this is one big trailer to fill

now it's time to split with the help of young Joey

and now Shannon gets in on the action

our host Todd getting some rays

a family of loons

father Richard, daughter Shannon and son Todd

and here's the whole gang

And so ends our maiden voyage with our new trailer.....until next time.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

June 25, 2013 - our last day in Prince George and a new doo

     Well the house painting is now finished and it's looking pretty darn good.  Now for the work of putting everything back where it belongs.
here it is, all finished and Judy's brand new Kia Sorento

     Our day was spent shopping and visiting and relaxing.  Oh, and did I mention that I got a hair cut.  It was a hard decision for me to lop off my long white hair but with some convincing from Judy and hairdresser Kim, alot of it came off.  I guess I will get used to it eventually. I guess I just don't like change.....
here I am before.....
and after
Tomorrow morning we will set off for home....

June 24, 2013 - Ferguson Lake, Prince George

     This morning Judy, Richard and I go for a hike around Ferguson Lake.  It's a nature reserve up in the Hart area so I'm sure they don't spray for mosquitoes and they are relentless.  After spraying ourselves down with what Judy calls bug dope, we make it around the lake without getting eaten alive.  Richard bumped into a fisherman on the wharf that was using a Rapala rod and got some feedback from him about it.
old logger's cabin on Ferguson Lake

nature at it's finest!

dappled sunlight on the trail

     After some lunch at Original Joes we head to the mall for a bit of shopping and then home to see how the painters have progressed today.  I think they're almost finished and the house looks great.

     After a dinner of chili and hot dogs, Richard, Charlie and I go to the movies to see "Now you see me".  It was very entertaining. 
peace man!

     Judy has made an appointment for me at her hairdresser for tomorrow so we will be staying one more day before heading south.

Monday, June 24, 2013

June 23, 2013 - Sunday in Prince George

     After a wonderful brunch of bacon, eggs, hash browns and toast we go to town to pick up some supplies for painting.  Judy and Chuck go to the 1:00 PM service at their church so Richard and I pick up our tools and get busy painting furniture and weeding flower beds.  It's the least we can do for the free camping and dining services that we're getting.  The weather is absolutely beautiful again and it's going to get hot today.

     The whole family is coming for dinner and we are having steak, lasagna, caesar salad and artisan bread.  After dinner we all go to the park where Matt flies his remote control planes and the kids play in the playground.  It was a great family day.

food preparation with lots of helpers

Auntie helping with the teeter-totter

Uncle Richard brought water guns along

Sunday, June 23, 2013

June 22, 2013 - my beautiful sister and family

     The sun is shining as we sit on the lawn in front of my sister's house.  Annie starts pestering us early to get dressed as we have told her we are going to the farmer's market and she wants to get going.
sisters just hangin' out

     At the farmers market, Richard buys some Okanagan cherries and I buy a pair of earrings.  We go to Home Depot for some wall patch to fix the wall at Judy's

     After a nice lunch of tuna sandwiches , Judy and I patch the wall and we generally just hang out and visit.  Richard sands down Judy's adirondack chair in preparation for painting.  We walk around to some garage sales and find some treasures.  Judy, Annie and I go for a drive and find the most amazing free garage sale and load up her vehicle.  WooHoo!!
our patched wall

     Kristin and Matt are going to a wedding so they drop the kids off for supper. After a dinner of walleye, corn on the cob and salads, we light a fire for s'mores and then play a game of newspaper.  Fun times!
the "old sea dog" with his favorite uncle

all prettied up with gramma's stuff

Leavitt, Annie, Aaron and Cooper

June 21, 2013 - driving to Prince George

     We pack up this morning for our departure from Buck Lake.  Charlie has driven in to Drayton Valley with us so we rinse some of the mud from our is just caked on.

     The weather has turned beautiful for the very long drive to Prince George.  We stop in Hinton for some Chinese food and for a rest stop at Goat River but besides that, the trip consists of just a long, long drive.
Mount Robson

Goat River rest stop
my faithful companion, never complaining

     We pull in to Prince George around 6:00 PM and after a fuel up, arrive at Judy's place.  Her street is quiet so we decide to park right in front of her house on the street.  She is in the process of painting the exterior of her house and it's looking pretty good.  Annie is there as well and is very excited to see us.
lil miss Annie

just glad to be here
     Chuck immediately gets busy fixing the chain on my bike which I broke somewhere along the way.  We finish up the evening with some pizza and a fire in the back yard. 
Mr Fix-it Chuck

June 20, 2013 - a rainy day at Buck Lake

     I have woken up with a terrible sore throat and the rain is pouring down.  Today is a good day to get caught up on some journaling and such stuff.  There won't be alot of outside activity for me today so there is no reason why I can't just stay in my pyjamas which is precisely what I do.

     Richard and Charlie go out fishing and have a very successful morning of it.  They pull in about 25 walleye but unfortunately only 1 is a keeper.
brother Charlie

the rain gear was definitely needed

     Despite the ugly weather, we put some hotdogs on the BBQ and Colleen joins us to eat.  She won't be staying out here today due to the weather.  The boys go back out fishing after lunch but they leave Bear behind to keep me company.  He is quite upset that he has been left behind.

     Carolyn returns from work around 4:00 and we fry up the walleye for dinner.  Kenny has returned to the lake and the boys go out for some more fishing and Carolyn and I take a drive around the area.  There are quite a few nice home built around the lake.
here's the bait

or maybe it's for eating....ewwww!

     There will be no fire tonight.
this pooch is just a little bit spoiled.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

June 19, 2013 - work day in Drayton Valley

     Carolyn leaves for work about 6:30 AM.  After we determine that the weather is not getting any better (rainy and gross), we decide today might be a good day to install Carolyn's new dishwasher.
to brave ducks

even they are ducking for cover

     We get started and then need some extra parts so we go to town for them and then have some lunch.  We finish up just as Carolyn is walking in from work.
here he is again; fixin' stuff

Charlie and Carolyn's new friend Bear

I think she's pleased

     We head back out to Buck Lake for a dinner of pork tenderloin and Greek salad.  We are joined by Kenny and Colleen and Janet and Murray, Carolyn's sister and brother-in-law.
Carolyn, Janet and Colleen waiting for dinner

     We sit around the fire until about 10:30 and it's still broad daylight out.  I can't get over how late it stays light outside.  My throat is feeling really bad again.  It seems to be way worse at bedtime.

June 18, 2013 - Meota, SK to Buck Lake, AB

     We set out from Meota about 9:00 AM this morning and take the route through Turtleford.  We had never been that way before.  The drive was not very spectacular and pretty flat.  Lots of oil pumps. 

     After fueling up in Lloydminster we carry on to Edmonton where we pick up Richards' mother's dining room suite at Larry and Phyllis's place.  I don't know how he does it but he manages to unpack and repack the back of the truck to fit everything in.

     We met Charlie and Carolyn at the junction to Rocky Mountain House and they guide us into Buck Lake Provincial Park where they are camped.  The weather is cloudy but no rain, yet.....

     Carolyn has brought a taco salad from home for dinner and we are joined by Kenny and Colleen Holgren.  After dinner we all go out fishing for some walleye.  Carolyn pulls in a 50 cm keeper and one throw back and I catch 2 throw backs.  Charlie and Richard get skunked!

     I have developed a sore throat and I'm feeling a little tough.
our setup at Buck Lake

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

June 17, 2013 - the last work day in Meota

The sun is shining today and it's beautiful except for the bugs.  And so the work keeps progressing by the men.  Shanon and I keep the chairs warm for when they are finished and Phyllis keeps cooking for everyone.  Seems fair, I guess; somebody has to keep the chairs warm.  For lunch today, Phyllis makes salmon and lettuce wraps and for dinner we have Greek ribs, asparagus, Greek potatoes and Greek salad.  Me thinks this was Greek night.  Delicious!
cutting the last of the floor boards

chair warmers

I think this was the last board to nail gunned in

finished at long last (this part anyway)

Chief cook and bottle washer and always smiling
a beautiful sunset over Jackfish Lake